4 examples of real 1 star bad reviews

Not Sure How to Fix a 1 Star Review?  
Easily Fix Any and ALL Bad Reviews
For Your Local Business

​Send me your 1 star review and I will craft a response using powerful psychological triggers to repair your credibility in a way that is more effective than any 5 star review.

PLUS I will teach my formula so you can even do it yourself!   

How Negative Reviews Affect You


86% of consumers will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative reviews.


94% of consumers say a bad review has convinced them to avoid a business.


53% of customers expect businesses to respond to negative reviews within a week.


80% of people choose to go elsewhere if they read bad reviews of your business online.


Consumers are likely to spend 31% more at a business with excellent reviews.


72% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a business more.


88% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust their best friends’ recommendations.


The effects of a bad review can be negated by writing a perfect response that creates a 5 star effect.

Don't Let a Bad Review Hurt Your Business

Send me your 1 star review and I will craft a response using powerful psychological triggers proven to repair your credibility in a way that is more effective than any 5 star review.

PLUS I will teach my formula so you can even do it yourself!   

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