

Authority Pop

We have hand selected a small number of businesses to participate in our limited beta program to test our ground-breaking Authority Pop software on your website.

This software will live-stream your top 5-star reviews directly to your website to catch the attention of your potential customers.

Simply displaying your 5 star reviews on your website creates social proof, builds market authority, and has shown to increase conversions up to 380%!

Here is what the beta program entails:

  • We will setup and configure Authority Pop software on your website and connect it to your biggest review source – either Google Business, Facebook, or Yelp..
  • The software will then begin live-streaming your 5 star reviews – highlighting your great service to your website visitors.
  • Every new 5-star review you get will automatically be streamed to your website and show up at the perfect moment when visitors are researching their buying decision.

Want to see an example?

Simply click here to see an example. Watch how the 5-star reviews begin streaming to the corner of the screen.

Authority Pops are eye-catching and impossible to miss.

They affirm your marketplace authority with each website visitor, eliminating any risk or doubts in their minds and prime them to open their wallets and become customers.

When this system fully rolls out, we will charge at least $99 a month. However, select partners in our “beta program” will get early access to this system for only $77 for the entire year and lock in that low price forever!

Here is what we are asking from our beta program partners:

  • Try out the software (at a massive discount)
  • After 60 days, provide us honest feedback on your experience.
  • Provide up to 3-5 referrals to other business owners (optional, but highly appreciated!)

This program is by invitation only available for a limited time. If we do not hear back from you promptly, we may fill your spot with another company.

To join the program, simply click the button below. 


I guarantee results. If you’re not completely thrilled, I will wave my fees until we get it right.

what You’re getting

  • Live stream your top reviews to your website.
  • Influence your customers at the moment they are making a buying decision.
  • Create social proof & market authority.
  • Reduce or eliminate customer doubts
  • Increase conversions up to 380%
  • Over 90% discount!!
  • Lock in this special pricing forever!

My strategies are so effective, that I can offer an outrageous guarantee!

I guarantee you will see results or I will waive my fees until you do.

Clint Fountain


Request More Information

I am excited to show you how this awesome new contact widget can pull in fresh hot leads for your business! Please provide your contact information and I will reach out ASAP.

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