Thank You!
Hopefully the results of the Groupon Profit Assessment will be a real eye opener!
I am very excited to start working with you to grow your bottom line.
Ready to fix your promotions?
Call or text right now to schedule your free Groupon Review Session!
This review session is offered completely free of charge with no obligations to buy anything.
In this session we will take a detailed look at your Groupon offer, identify the problems, and teach you ways to fix profit leaks.
Here is some of what you will learn…
- 3 different ways to lure those bargain hungers back in for repeat sales – that’s where the money is.
- How to make twice as much profit with the same offer by adding a twist.
- How to protect your brand from the discount death spiral where your prices mean nothing because customers expect discounts every time.
- A sneaky little trick to pull customers from Groupon, even when they don’t buy your Groupon offer. In fact, you will make more money when they don’t buy it.
Guaranteed Results
Our agency is different than the others you might have encountered.
You won’t find us pushing the latest whiz-bang technology fad that is hard to understand and just drains dollars from your pocket with little or nothing to show for it.
We specialize in getting real measurable results for local businesses.
We follow the K.I.S.S. principle, using cost-effective solutions that are proven to increase your bottom line without blowing the budget.
Our methods work so well, I personally GUARANTEE you will see results!
I expect us to earn our fee. If you don’t make money, then we don’t make money.
If our systems do not earn you at least the amount of our fee, I will reduce our fee to match what you earned – that way it costs you nothing until we get your campaigns pulling in profits.
This way we are partners invested in your success.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Clint Fountain