
Groupon the Right Way

Deal sites like Groupon are an excellent way to generate buzz and pull in new customers – but it is pretty hard to scrape out a profit – UNLESS you set up your promotion the right way.

Studies show you need to convert about 10% of your Groupon customers into repeat sales in order to get a profitable ROI.

Do you have a system to generate repeat sales from your Groupon offer?

We can help you setup a VIP Club to build a marketing list and implement a highly effective campaign to generate repeat customers from your Groupon sales.

Imagine having the power to generate sales on-demand, anytime you need it… Just press a button, and customers start pouring in the door.

A mobile VIP Club can give that super power.

And Groupon is the ideal way to grow your VIP Club membership at break-neck speed.

Huge Revenue Opportunity

What if you offered those Groupon buyers a chance to purchase the same (or better) deal directly from you? Could you generate repeat sales?


Using our system, you do not have to share any revenue with Groupon. All repeat sales go directly to your bottom line.

How much revenue could you generate?

Let’s play with the numbers…


Your Revenue Opportunity


No Revenue Split! You keep 100% of sales.
Plus automatically build a marketing list to bring them back over and over for years to come.

Our system will close the profit leaks and turn your Groupon promotion into a real money maker.

Reach out today for a NO OBLIGATION review of your Groupon promotion.

In our session, I will teach you…

  • How to implement a VIP Club to capture contact information from your customers and lure them back with a series of Comeback Offers where you keep 100% of the profits!
  • 3 different ways to lure those bargain hungers back in for repeat sales – that’s where the money is. Studies show you need to convert about 10% of your Groupon customers into repeat sales in order to get a profitable ROI. I will give you 3 ways to do that!
  • How to make twice as much profit with the same offer by adding a clever twist.
  • How to protect your brand from the discount death spiral where your prices mean nothing because customers expect discounts every time.
  • A sneaky little trick to syphon paying customers from Groupon, even when they don’t buy your Groupon offer. In fact, you will make more money when they don’t buy it. This one tip is worth thousands of dollars to your bottom line!

Plus, we will run your specific numbers and reveal just how much money you are leaving on the table right now!

Request More Information

I am excited to show you how this awesome new contact widget can pull in fresh hot leads for your business! Please provide your contact information and I will reach out ASAP.

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